Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sweet Pea??

I went to watch what ended up being the end of the Indians season at ESPN zone a week ago. Went with a few of my work friends. We hooked up with an Indians fan from Columbus who knew everything there is to know about sports. There was a really tall giant looking (compared to me) man there that you knew had to be some former star. Our new found columbus friend told us the guy's name is Lloyd Daniels, aka "Sweet Pea"
He played for six different NBA teams in his career, most notably the spurs. He was alone so we invited him to watch the game with us. It was fascinating to hear about his past and how he went from street ball legend in the streets of NY to an player in the NBA.
So a few drinks in and an indians loss later we were saying our goodbyes outside, I wanted a picture of Sweet Pea and he grabbed me and then like REALLLY grabbed me, I got pissed off but didn't say anything...until he did it again, then I smacked his arm away...whatever I blew it off..
He starts asking me if I have any money?? I thought he was kidding at first, I mean, after all HE is the former NBA player, I am the one who could use the money here. He wasn't kidding, he proceeds to tell all of us he needs money to get home to Jersey..meanwhile we bought his damn dinner and drinks...Of course that part of me that guilts myself into everything gave him 20 would think he would stop there, but no, he then proceeded to ask everyone else I was with for cash and before I knew it we were all paying for his "ride home"....Amazing
Now that I think about it, obviously the guy is a scammer, why else would a former NBA player go to ESPN zone to chill out, he WANTED to be recognized, for the free shit he was bound to get, we fell for it.
He called me the next day on my cell (yes, when I thought he was a good guy I gave him my number) I told him I couldn't talk because I, unlike some people, had to work for a living.
Well, I was a lot nicer about it than that, but he hasn't called since.

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